Monday July 11, 2011 - It was recently announced by the district that Lafayette Rotary South was named in the TOP THREE Giving clubs! They are as follows - The Top Three giving clubs for (10-11) are as follows. 1. Greater Lake Charles Rotary club - 62 members at the start of the year with only 54 actual at the end of the Rotary year with a $16,000 goal - Hit just over $21,125.00 for an average of $340.73 per member and a grand total of $25,475 with Polio donations included. 2. Baker Rotary Club - 18 members - $3,600.00 goal - Contributed $5,600.00 for a total APF of $311.11 per member and $7,220.00 with Permanent or Polio Fund donations. 3. Lafayette South Rotary Club - 47 members - $5,100.00 goal - Contributed $9,717.56 for an average of $206.76 per member and a grand total of $9,983.53 giving when including their $265.97 to restricted giving. GREAT JOB LAFAYETTE SOUTH!!
Wednesday November 23, 2011 - Lafayette Rotary South will be delivering Thanksgiving baskets out to those in need of a little extra help this season. What a joy it is to see the faces light up upon receiving a good meal. This is an annual event at Lafayette Rotary South and one that we truly enjoy doing.
Wednesday January 4, 2012 -
It was announced at our first meeting of the New Year that this years Fantasy Football League winner is The Bulls, coached by Mr. Lynn Wood. Congrats Lynn on a successful season!
Upcoming - April 18, 2012-
Rotary Lafayette South will be hosting 4 local high schools as we honor 2 students from each school with our semi-annual Student Recognistion Program Award. Congrats to all the students and their parents for there hard earned reward!
Upcoming -